
A gradual loss of the eye’s ability to focus on near objects, due to age. Most people start having trouble seeing small prints clearly between the ages of 35-40 and continues to worsen until around age 65. However, people who are long-sighted tend to develop presbyopia earlier than those who are short-sighted. The reason is […]

May is Healthy Vision Month

May is Healthy Vision Month, a national observance devoted to encouraging persons to make vision and eye health a priority. Taking care of our eyes is not always top of mind, but they’re just as important. Just as eating well and getting exercise are signs of a healthy lifestyle, routine vision eye care is equally […]

Hyperopia (farsightedness)

Hyperopia, or farsightedness, is a vision condition in which distant objects are usually seen more clearly than close ones. Hyperopia occurs due to the shape of the eye and its components; it is not just a function of the aging of the lens, which occurs with presbyopia. To understand farsightedness, it’s helpful to know how […]

Myopia (nearsightedness)

Nearsightedness, or myopia, as it is medically termed, is a vision condition in which people can see close objects clearly, but objects farther away appear blurred. Myopia occurs if the eyeball is too long or the cornea (the clear front cover of the eye) is too curved. As a result, the light entering the eye […]

Strabismus (crossed eyes)

Crossed eyes or strabismus, is a condition in which both eyes do not look at the same place at the same time. It usually occurs in people who have poor eye muscle control. The condition may be present occasionally or constantly. it may result in amblyopia or loss of depth perception. Strabismus can occur due to muscle dysfunction, farsightedness, problems […]

World Glaucoma week 2021 : ‘The World is Bright, Save your Sight!

#worldglaucomaweek is a global initiative that was put together by the World Glaucoma Association to raise awareness about glaucoma on a global scale. It is important for you to know that glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide and there are really no symptoms to the patient until it is in the very end […]

Hypertensive Retinopathy

Hypertension may lead to multiple adverse effects on the eye. Hypertension can cause retinopathy, optic neuropathy, and choroidopathy. Hypertensive retinopathy is the result of changes to the retinal vasculature in high blood pressure states. Initially, arteriole tone is increased due to autoregulation in the body’s attempt to reduce blood flow, causing the arterioles to narrow. […]


DRY EYE SYNDROME Dry Eye Syndrome is a condition of the eye in which the eyes do not produce enough tears and /or the tears produced by the eyes is of low quality. HOW DO TEARS WORK? When you blink, a tear film of tears spreads over the eyes. This keeps the eyes’ surface smooth […]

Vision Therapy

Our trained vision therapists are available to treat a wide range of visual performance problems. We offer accurate diagnosis and effective treatment plans. All vision therapy sessions are one-on-one. Vision therapy programs at Cypress Eye Center are completely customized for each and every patient – which is why our vision therapy programs are so effective. […]


SYMPTOMS OF COMPUTER VISION SYNDROME Commonly experienced symptoms of Computer vision syndrome can be sub-divided into three mechanisms namely; Extraocular Mechanism (Extraocular means outside the eyes). Ocular Surface Mechanism (Ocular or Intraocular means inside the eye). Accommodative Mechanism Related.  Commonly experienced symptoms of Computer vision syndrome can be sub-divided into three mechanisms namely; Mechanism Symptoms […]