Workplace Eye Hazard Awareness

Workers face a wide variety of hazards in various work environments both indoors and outdoors.
 These hazards include;
Splashing chemicals, dust, particles, heat, optical radiations, flying debris, Bloodborne pathogens, Ultraviolet rays, Bluelight rays, projectiles, e.t.c.
In this process the eyes can receive Contusion, Abrasions, Burns, Punctures, Object/foreign bodies in the eye or under the eyelid, Cut or torn eyelid, Blood inside the eye, Pain or trouble seeing, Pupil dilation, Retinal burns, Dry eyes, and BLINDNESS. 
 *OCCUPATIONS with high risk for eye hazards/injuries include:* 
-Factory/construction/ Manufacturing jobs. 
-Auto repair, Carpentry, Welding, Electrical, Plumbing, Maintenance jobs. 
-Baking, Cooking. 
-Healthcare; Laboratory, Theatre. 
-Mining, Farming, Yardwork, Cleaning jobs. 
– Office/ Computer work. 
Occupational eye injuries can be prevented through the following ways:
1. Wearing Face Shields and helmet. 
2. Wearing Safety Goggles. 
3. Wearing Safety glasses. 
4. Wearing Polycarbonate lenses. 
5. Using Ultraviolet ray protective Eyewear (Photochromic/Transition blue cut/ Polarized lenses). 
6. Removing or reducing eye hazards where possible.
7. Conducting eye hazard assessment of the workplace.
8. Conducting comprehensive eye screening for workers. 

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