Red-eye is a common problem that can affect one or both eyes. The redness associated with red-eye comes from blood vessels on the surface of your eye that is expanded (dilated) due to some form of irritation or infection.
- Allergies
- Blepharitis (inflammation that affects your eyelids)
- Chalazion
- Corneal abrasion (scratch): First aid
- Corneal herpetic infections (herpes)
- Corneal ulcer
- Dry eyes (decreased production of tears)
- Ectropion (outwardly turned eyelid)
- Entropion (inwardly turned eyelid)
- Episcleritis (inflammation of the membrane covering the white part of the eye)
- Eyedrops
- Foreign object in the eye: First aid
- Glaucoma (group of conditions that damage the optic nerve)
- Hay fever
- Injuries, such as from blunt trauma or burn
- Iritis (inflammation of the colored part of the eye)
- Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea)
- Orbital cellulitis (severe infection of tissues around the eye)
- Pink eye (conjunctivitis)
- Scleritis (inflammation of the white part of the eye)
- Sty (a red, painful lump near the edge of your eyelid)
- Subconjunctival hemorrhage (broken blood vessel in eye)
- Uveitis (inflammation of the middle layer of the eye)
When to see a doctor
Visit us and seek emergency medical care and if:
- Your vision changes suddenly
- It is accompanied by severe headache, eye pain, fever or unusual sensitivity to light
- You also experience nausea or vomiting
- It is caused by a foreign object or chemical splashed in your eye
- You suddenly begin to see halos around lights
- You feel as if something is in your eye
- You have swelling in or around your eyes
- You’re unable to open your eye or keep your eye open
Occasional, brief periods of red-eye are usually no cause for worry. If you think the redness is caused by a reaction to over-the-counter eyedrops, try a different brand or take a break from using them.
Contact your doctor for an appointment if you have red-eye that doesn’t clear up after several days, especially if you have thick or nearly continuous pus or mucous discharge.